Príprava a starostlivosť o športového psa

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Príprava a starostlivosť o športového psa

Poslaťod janajka » Ned 22.10.2017 18:03

Zdravím, zakladám nové vlákno, kde sa môžeme baviť o zdraví aktívneho psa.
Dnes mi vyskočil tento článok, týka sa to agility.

Please, please, please do not let this happen to your dog!!!
For the first time in my career I had to tell the owner of an agility dog that they had to retire their canine athlete! What’s even more sad is that out of the thousands of agility dogs I have evaluated and scoped from around the world this was the worst I have ever seen with NO history of lameness. This incredible dog (Border Collie) was simply showing some issues with turns and seemed a bit “stiff” with a short stride length at times. This wonderful owner was doing everything right….seeing a physio every few weeks for maintenance, warming up, cooling down, stretching, supplements, not over training.
She had no idea what was going on inside the shoulders. Yes, I said shoulders…..both were equally trashed and that’s probably why the dog could not show lameness…..did not have a good front leg to off-load on to. The straw that broke the camel's back was when the last final structure in the shoulder tore off the bone. The biceps was torn, the MGLs in both shoulders were missing, the subscapularis tendon was severely damaged, the labrum was torn, the capsule was torn and the cartilage was eroded. Please watch the attached video (there is audio with the video) and see the attached images….a normal image out of the Beale, Hulse, et al arthroscopy book has been provided as a “normal reference” of what we should see in a canine athlete’s shoulder under arthroscopy or needle scope.
Guys, this could be prevented with early intervention!!!! It begs the importance of annual sports medicine assessments…..objective gait analysis, shoulder measurements and thorough palpation, and lastly diagnostic msk ultrasound at least every few years if not annual. There are enough sports medicine specialists on the planet that everyone should have access to this type of assessment. Please start if you are not already, you owe it to your canine companion and athlete!!!
With love and respect,
Sherman Canapp

video ... =3&theater
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Príspevky: 3529
Bydlisko: Vysoke Tatry - Smokovec

Re: Príprava a starostlivosť o športového psa

Poslaťod janajka » Ned 22.10.2017 18:05

reaguje susan garrett

Following up on that Dr. Sherman post about the end of an agility dog's career due to a shoulder injury. Here is my opinion...feel free to give yours in the comments.
These injuries are created over time; one insult compounded by the next. Take Swagger for example, he had a catastrophic incident that seem to have "broke" his shoulder, but as a six year old, high drive, agility dog, I'm sure that shoulder was weakened over his career. (and Swagger will have a full recovery and be back to agility next year). Since I have always been a big advocate of not starting puppies young, and have been cray cray about fitness and about warm up and cool down I believe the things that contributed to Swagger's shoulder injury (and it was in NO way anywhere near as severe as the one shown in Dr. Sherman's recent video) where...
1. Who he is, a high drive, 1000% full speed kind of dog who lacks much self preservation.
2. Slipping when running agility on on wet grass, slick turf or hard slippery packed particular his shoulder abducting (sliding out to the side while trying to regain his footing on these surfaces).
3. His style of weaving. Swagger tends to "slam" the poles. Something I have tried his entire career to stop. It is mostly better but occasionally he still slams. As a young dog he once broke a weave pole BASE off...yes a welded metal base snapped...not just the pole above.
Here is my recommendation for prevention to all...
1. Puppies shouldn't be doing agility sequences. Period. No bars on the ground, no running out of tunnels to wrapping cones off in the distance (realize these puppies use their outside shoulder to decelerate around that cone!)., no multiples wrapping uprights. Lots and lots of foundation learning to do when you have a puppy. Impulse control, body awareness, proprioception. Low impact, low speed as the puppy develops the strength and conditioning to tolerate more (like at a year or older...feel your dog! Are their muscles hard and developed? Are they ready for more?).
2. Minimize the weaving your dog does in practice. I rarely do more than 2-3 sets of 12 poles during any one training session and only 1 or 2 session per week with weaves. Other than that I reward the dog for an entry and move on without allowing the dog to weave the full set. Weaving causes abduction of the shoulder at I try to work around it.
3. It should be obvious but a proper warm up and cool down (including passive range of motion exercises at the end) before and after any exercise is a must for your dog.
4. CONDITION YOUR DOG! Do NOT allow agility to be what keeps your dog in shape for agility! Each day pick a different muscle group and work it...much like we all do in the gym. Front limbs, rear limbs, core and back etc.
5. Do not over train. This goes for both your agility training and conditioning/fitness work. Working a tired dog tears down rather than builds up! Moderation is a GOOD thing!
6. Avoid using a treadmill when you can trot your dog outside (underwater treadmill excepted). In the past I have used a treadmill during the winter months when I couldn't get walking outside. I now avoid things like duration trotting on the treadmill for Feature and Swagger and do only a little for Momentum. Minty has a more fluid stride on the treadmill than the other two but even still, I use the treadmill primarily for strength in combination with FitPaws equipment rather than for endurance trotting. As Chris Zink reminded me of in a recent conversation, agility requires our dogs to have power to sprint, strength to turn, rather endurance to go for ever. So cardio sessions can be limited to 3 x 20 minute trotting outside on grass or underwater treadmill or swimming. They are not sled dogs, they are sprinters not long distance runners. They require cardio fitness to recover not cardio endurance to run long distances.
7. Get your dog evaluated. Gait analysis, shoulders evaluated with ultrasound. I'm glad I brought Momentum to visit Drs. Debra Canapp and Sherman Canapp so I have a base line now for the future.
8. Give your dog "down" time. My competition dogs get 10-12 weeks away from any agility training every year and always have for the past 20 years I've been involved with the sport.
9. Stay away from slippery surfaces. Starting from a puppy! Put down carpet runners if you have slippery floors. Don't let those shoulders and rear ends splay out. And when you are training avoid slippery artifical turf, hard pack dirt with no give, "obedience" style indoor matting or wet grass (sorry those of you in the UK, Scotland etc)...common sense needs to apply. I will never run Swagger on slick surfaces again, although Feature and Momentum have always compensated and adjusted their stride, Swagger never has...thus more slipping.
10. Use body, massage, chiropractics, osteopathy. Getting regular body work on your dog (mine get massaged once a week, chiro twice a month and Osteo once a month). These professionals may not pick up on a subtle injury but they will be able to see trends of how the body is compensating for one.
Bonus: 11. Go with your gut! Don't wait until your dog is "lame" if you think there is something "not right" chances are you are correct. Look at this poor dog...very little physical signs. Border Collies are so driven to work...they will tolerate any amount of pain to keep going.
Feel free to voice your opinion too...because this is all just experiential observation/opinion on my part!

1) Štěňata by neměla běhat agility. Neměli by mít tyčky na zemi, neměli by se hnát do obíhání kuželů nebo bočnic z tunelů. Měli by cvičit sebekontrolu, uvědomění těla, protpriocepci.
2) Minimalizovat trénink slalomu. Susan dělá 2-3 12ti tyčkové slalomy v lekci a lekce se slalomem má 1-2x týdně.
3) Rozcvičení psa a vychození psa po výkonu by mělo být samozřejmostí.
4) UDRŽUJTE SVÉHO PSA FIT! Ještě než přijde na parkur. Každý den pracujte na jedné části těla - přední zadní, core...
5) Nepřehánějte trénink. Unavené svaly nerostou, ale ničí se.
6) Když můžete jít ven, nenechávejte psa chodit na běžícím páse (vyjímkou je aquaterapie ve vaně s pásem). Agility je sprint, lepší je klusat 3x20 minut než trénovat vytrvalost.
7) Nechte si psa zhodnotit u odborníka - analýza chůze, vyšetření ramenou ultrazvukem (moje poznámka - nejsem si jistá, jestli někde v ČR je chodník na analýzu chůze psů :-/ ).
8) Dejte psovi pauzu od sportu. Susan dává 10-12 týdnů každý rok.
9) Vyhýbejte se klouzavým povrchům - jak linu doma, tak agility na klouzavých kobercích nebo mokré trávě (záleží na psovi - některý krok přizpůsobí, některý prostě jen víc klouže).
10) Využívejte specialistů na práci s tělem - fyzioterapeuti, maséři, chiropraktici, osteopati.
11) Věřte svému instinktu - jestli se vám něco nezdá, i když pes třeba nekulhá, je možné, že je vaše tušení správné.
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 3529
Bydlisko: Vysoke Tatry - Smokovec

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